Wir kennen ja mittlerweile hoffentlich alle das Projekt „Skateistan“ in Kabul. Wir wissen aber noch immer recht wenig über das junge Projekt in Cambodia. MAHFIA.TV haben einen Videoclip von dort ins Netz gestellt.
„There has been a lot of intrigue and attention around Skateistan and their use of skateboarding to empower cultures and in particular women around the World. So we set off with board under arm all the way to Cambodia to see how things were rolling over there for the ladies stepping on skateboards.
We met the first girl skaters of Cambodia; Charra, Tin and Nhouen of Skateistan. The scene in its very early days, but progressing thanks to these three ladies who are acting as the spokespeople and inspirers of skateboarding for women in Cambodia. Pushing things forward and paving the way, to show whats possible and why girls should skate.
This is only a tease. There is so much more to the story.. which we will be heading back to tell soon.“